The following motion was adopted by the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation at its AGM on March 14, 2007
Whereas, the Museum Act has granted a clear mandate in human and natural history and the Board has indicated that it "dreams of establishing a provincial museum where much of the Island history presently housed in our ‘artifactory’ could be presented and interpreted to the public."
And whereas there is strong interest across the Island evidenced during a set of recent consultations in the mandate of the PEI Museum be fulfilled in areas of collection management, research, publishing, conservation and in exhibitions.
And whereas 25 years has elapsed since the current mandate was granted to the organization, it is not unreasonable for the public, the membership, and the staff to have expectations for clear policy for the development and fulfilment of this mandate across the province.
Be it resolved that the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation undertake a planning study, to be conducted under the direction of the executive director but assisted by such researchers as he may see fit, to examine the organization's mandate as provided by legislation and review the governance structure and all operations of the organization in communications, publishing, research, conservation, collections management, exhibition and interpretation as well as the operations of the branch museum system.
This study shall review prior planning studies, and include consultations, in a format determined by the executive director, and shall seek input from groups and individuals with knowledge in the field to determine accessibility of private or public collections that could be available to the Museum. The report shall be presented to the membership for approval at both a draft and final stage before it becomes policy of the organization.
Upon completion of this study a implementation plan shall be developed by the organization and presented to the membership for consideration. Once adopted by the membership of the organization, this implementation plan shall remain the official policy of the Board until such time as a new development policy shall be adopted by the membership.
The implementation plan shall include specific dates, and indicate the individuals and groups responsible for implementation of each component.
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