Friday, March 16, 2007

Island's natural history must be included

as pubished in The Guardian - Nov 29, 2007
by Diane Griffin

I have followed with interest the discussion in our legislatiye assembly about a provincial museum. While all of the sites currentIly within the management of the provincial museum and heritage foundation are important assets, there actually is no structure in our province that can be called a provincial museum.

Every other province has a provincial museum to interpret its cultural and natural history.

Over the years there has been a great amount of discussion about when, where and how to establish a provincial museum, but the problem has been the lack of resources. Many of, the current sites were either established or vastly improved,with federal money, granted to the Island to celebrate the centennial in 1973 of our entry into Confederation.

If P.E.I. should ever see its way clear to establish a provincial museum, we must be sure it includes the natural history of the Island.
Diane Griffin,

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