Thursday, March 22, 2007

Many artifactory items come from rural P.E.I.

as published by The Guardian March 22, 2007 - Gregory Jobe

Who are the people that really care whether the provincial artifactory is located in eastern P.E.I.? To whom does it really matter? The people and business community of eastern P.E.I. really care. It matters to us. We will be great stewards of this piece of Island history. We will tell our friends and visitors about it and it will be a focal point of a beautiful rural community — which generates much of the contents the artifactory seeks to preserve.

We can think of no compelling reason why this piece of Island history should not be located in rural P.E.I. The hand-wringing and angst trumpeted over this generates loads of reasoning and debate. For every point on one side, there is a counterpoint on the other.

In fact, we could tour the Island and make a great big list of pros and cons and rationalize forever. The fact is, there is no compelling reason not to put the artifactory in eastern P.E.I. However, there is a compelling reason to locate it here. We really care.

Gregory Jobe,
president, Southern Kings and Queens Chamber of Commerce

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