Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Board Members Named

At the AGM of the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation on October 30, 2007 new members of the Board of Governors were named. Tracey Cutcliffe, Deputy Minister of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour announced that Andy Wells and Joanne Schurman had been named to the Board of Governors filling any current vacancies.

A motion passed at the previous AGM had requested that all vacancies be filled on the Board, bringing it to full strength.

Motion 3 -- Passed by the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation at its AGM

Title: Governance Structure and Role of Members

WHEREAS there has been a continuous membership affiliation throughout the creation of the PEI Heritage Foundation in 1970 and this has been a key component and a strength of the organization in providing leadership within the heritage community over several decades;

AND WHEREAS, the Foundation is also a body corporate created by the Legislature of PEI operated by board members who are appointed by government, and functions as a crown corporation with rules defined by governmental authorities;

AND WHEREAS, this reality of a membership organization which is also a crown corporation, can cause issues for members of the Museum especially when the membership is not involved in major decisions made by government or the Board;

AND WHEREAS, successive changes over the years have modified the role of the membership of the Foundation to the point that some individuals who have long affiliation with the organization do not consider it to currently be a membership organization;

AND WHEREAS, others feel that since individual members have played a key role over the decades in development of the Museum, steps should be taken to ensure that members have a meaningful role within the organization in the future;

AND WHEREAS, there is a perception that Board of Governors has seen undue pressure from government to accept proposals and developments that they did not have sufficient input in developing;

AND FURTHER, as recent changes to the by-laws limiting the rights of members to raise new topics and make motions without prior notice at an AGM of the Museum could restrict the ability of the membership to voice the concerns of the heritage community at such meetings, and participate in constructive solutions.

That a study be undertaken to examine the governance of the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation and the role of members within the organization in relations to the Board of Governors. The study will examine the rights and responsibilities of members, the role of the Board, committees, advisory boards, staff and members in relation to the fulfilling the mandate of the organization.

The study shall also compare other governance models to determine their strengths and weaknesses, and identify components of other models that might be appropriate for consideration. Recommendations related to means of clarifying roles and improving relations between the membership, the Board, committees and any advisory boards and staff should also be included as well as any proposed changes to existing structures and procedures.

Motion 2 -- Passed by the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation at its AGM

Title: Communication & New Business

WHEREAS the membership of the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation is widely distributed and communication is key component of ensuring that members are aware of the activities carried out on their behalf;

AND WHEREAS, the Foundation has responsibilities to provide an annual report to the membership and to the Legislature and to conduct an annual meeting;

AND WHEREAS, recent changes have modified the by-laws of the organization so that

17 (2) Public notice of the annual or any general meeting of the membership shall contain the wording of, and information concerning, any resolutions or motion proposed to be brought before the meeting other than the normally transacted business of the meeting.

AND WHEREAS, the annual report is not provided to members in advance of the meeting and they do not receive regular newsletters updating them on activities of the organization during the year, it becomes a challenge for members to know what motions or resolutions may be required until they have information on the year’s activities in their hands;

AND SINCE, the Board does not provide its report prior to the meeting but members are required to submit their motions in advance of receiving the annual report.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Minister Responsible for the Museum & Heritage Foundation be informed of the concerns of the membership in this regard, and further;

THAT THIS MEETING CONFIRM, that Roberts Rules of Order define the procedures of this assembly and that the category called New Business should deal not only with previously defined items of new business, but also be the period of a meeting in which the floor is open for members to raise matters of business which they may have been unaware of, prior to arriving at the meeting.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board be informed that communication remains an important issue and that all options be examined to ensure that the membership is kept informed on a timely basis of the operations and activities of their organization through newsletters, the Internet, meetings and publications so they remain informed, and can continue to contribute their assistance and suggestions in meaningful way.

Motion 1 - Passed by the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation at its AGM

At the Annual General Meeting of the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation, on October 30, 2007 the following motion was passed.

Title: Natural History Mandate & Planning

WHEREAS, bylaw 17 (2) indicates that advance notice of motions is required prior to receipt of annual reports, and it is unknown what reporting will take place at the upcoming AGM under the fulfilment of the mandate of the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation;

AND WHEREAS, concerns were raised by members at the previous AGM regarding the lack of mention of activities in the annual report regarding fulfilment of the Natural History mandate;

AND WHEREAS, the previous AGM directed the Board to begin planning for fulfilment of all aspects of the mandate provided in the Museum Act, and to involve the membership in this planning process.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board report to the membership in attendance at this meeting on what efforts were carried out in the last year in these important areas.