Monday, November 17, 2008

Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island praising the results of provincial museum study.

Nov 16 2008

SUMMERSIDE, PEI, NOVEMBER 16, 2008 - The Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island (MCPEI) is praising the results of a comprehensive study that calls for significant Aboriginal involvement in new provincial museum.

“Recognizing the contributions and culture of Prince Edward Island and telling the unique Island story would not be complete without showcasing the history and heritage of the Mi’kmaq,” said Chief Darlene Bernard, Chief of Lennox Island First Nation and co-chair of MCPEI Board of Directors.

“This report and its 30 recommendations will help the Provincial Government and all stakeholders develop a heritage strategy that we can all be proud of. Minister Carolyn Bertram deserves much of the credit for undertaking a long term, sustainable approach to protecting and preserving our Island’s history.”

MCPEI, in partnership with Parks Canada, is in the process of completing a feasibility study of its own to outline the most effective way of preserving and displaying artifacts from Mi’kmaq history. Chief Brian Francis, Chief of Abegweit First Nation and co-chair of MCPEI Board of Directors, said the two reports can work hand in hand.

“We realized we needed a location to prominently display the artifacts of our past. With the announcement of a central museum and a commitment to greater involvement from the Aboriginal community, we feel that our proud history will soon be properly shared with all of Prince Edward Island,” said Chief Francis.

Planning for a new museum as well as enacting the key recommendations of the report will take some time, but MCPEI is excited about playing a prominent role in that process.

For more information, contact:
Dennis King
Director of Communications
Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island
(902) 367-3660 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (902) 367-3660 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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