Monday, January 12, 2015

Charting a Course: A Study of Heritage in Prince Edward Island

It was September, 2008 a study team headed by The IRIS Group, including Diane Griffin, Harry Baglole, Yvette Doucette drew on the skills of Andrea Arbic, Ann Howatt Ph.D, Monica MacDonald Ph.D, Terry Ruddell Ph.D, Robert Frame, and Georges Arsenault to produce a report called Charting A Course: The Study of Heritage on PEI, for the Prince Edward Island Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs & Labour.

This week I came across this important report and was reminded that precious little has been done since to move ahead on the recommendations of this important study. Once again we find ourselves with another important report sitting on a shelf — a very long shelf — with reports calling for action on developing a proper provincial museum, with the capacity to fulfil its mandate.

. . .the sense of urgency felt by Islanders about what is at stake — what is being endangered and lost. Collections, buildings and landscapes are among the many heritage areas at risk. The need and desire for immediate action is great.
- Executive Summary
Charting a Course: A Study of Heritage in Prince Edward Island

Ian Scott,
Jan 12, 2015

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